What are you doing, Richmond?
Google Street View tableaux portraits, C41 exhibition prints (36" x 24")
Minoru Centre for Active Living, Richmond, BC, Canada Arts Commission
Sylvia was commissioned as the inaugural artist in residence to assist in the launch of the new Minoru Centre for Active Living. As part of her brief she proposed to photograph a number of Richmond residents as they undertook their activities at the Centre. This included creating tableaux of seniors to younger athletes at play and at work during undertaking favourite activities across the different facilities at Minoru Centre. To learn more about this socially engaged project visit the City of Richmond's website at https://minorucentre.ca/public-art/
Google Street View tableaux portraits, C41 exhibition prints (36" x 24")
Minoru Centre for Active Living, Richmond, BC, Canada Arts Commission
Sylvia was commissioned as the inaugural artist in residence to assist in the launch of the new Minoru Centre for Active Living. As part of her brief she proposed to photograph a number of Richmond residents as they undertook their activities at the Centre. This included creating tableaux of seniors to younger athletes at play and at work during undertaking favourite activities across the different facilities at Minoru Centre. To learn more about this socially engaged project visit the City of Richmond's website at https://minorucentre.ca/public-art/

This series consists of eleven Google Street View enabled portraits and prints. Each of the project participants agreed to share their images online.
Seniors at work at the wood shop

Track and field - Hammer throw practice
Synchronized swim team

Bridge players - team 1
Bridge players - team 2
24"x36" C41 print
24"x36" C41 print

Kajak coaches and youth track team
Working in Richmond, BC
Sylvia acknowledges as an artist who has worked in the City of Richmond, she has photographed on the shared and unceded traditional territories of the First Peoples of the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ language group, and she pays respect to the Elders, past and present, and to future generations.
Interactive map resources such as Native Land (2015), Whose Land (2017) and Indigenous Peoples Atlas (2018) can help identify territories. As always maps are fluid and ever changing and can be used as educational tools to create dialogue around reconciliation.
Project legacies and reviews:
University Arts Association of Canada - Panel discussion of artist's Google Street View artwork developed in Nelson (2017) and Richmond, BC (2018)
Sylvia acknowledges as an artist who has worked in the City of Richmond, she has photographed on the shared and unceded traditional territories of the First Peoples of the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ language group, and she pays respect to the Elders, past and present, and to future generations.
Interactive map resources such as Native Land (2015), Whose Land (2017) and Indigenous Peoples Atlas (2018) can help identify territories. As always maps are fluid and ever changing and can be used as educational tools to create dialogue around reconciliation.
Project legacies and reviews:
University Arts Association of Canada - Panel discussion of artist's Google Street View artwork developed in Nelson (2017) and Richmond, BC (2018)
Sylvia's use of Google Street View technology started in 2013 when she started to collaborate with John M Lynch, a Google Trusted Photographer. She worked with John to complete Farm Tableaux (2013) and Mise en Scene (2014). Since the production of these artworks Sylvia is being recognized as a pioneer in the medium, and the first to create artistic content within the Google map engine.
Sylvia's use of Google Street View technology started in 2013 when she started to collaborate with John M Lynch, a Google Trusted Photographer. She worked with John to complete Farm Tableaux (2013) and Mise en Scene (2014). Since the production of these artworks Sylvia is being recognized as a pioneer in the medium, and the first to create artistic content within the Google map engine.